Monday, July 23, 2012


Okay, so here's the deal.  I hate working out.  HATE it.  In fact, other than the amazing feeling of accomplishment, I hated the last half of walking a 5k{not so much sure if I just suck at this whole getting fit thing, or if the person who decided to put a hill at the end should be shived in the kidney}.  So, after doing some research, I have bookmarked and am planning to start (tomorrow, as it's already dark outside) doing Couch to 5K.  You can find the plan here and I think everyone should check out Mama Laughlin's blog for some inspiration, she has totally taken charge of her body and weightloss plan, her story is pretty awesome.

So, keeping in mind the extreme heat, I think that if I wait until around 6ish, I can deal with the heat.  I would do the whole get up and run before work thing that many people do and enjoy, except, those people do not have to be at work at 5:45 in the A-M.  So I'm all for it on my days off...but there is no way I'm getting up any earlier (I already wake up at 4:30). 

So this is what I have to keep telling myself.  I'm the only one who can change myself.  Time to really start working my ass off {literally}. 

Also, before I get off my work out soap box, I think they should make work out clothing in some extended sizes.  Is that really so much to ask for?  It's like if you are a little more than fluffy you cannot find clothing to work out in, even though everyone says go buy cute workout clothing so that you will want to work out.  It's like they only make workout clothes for the people who don't really need to work out.  Jackasses.  I just want this:

And I want it to fit, like total bra support and all.  I want to be able to run without having to fight with a t-shirt or worry about the fact that my back is killing me from lack of support.  Okay, I'm done bitching it out. 

Enjoy the work week people...I will, uh, try to.


  1. Lane Bryant in North Little Rock has some pretty good sports bras.
    They also have a couch to 5k app on my phone so you should check that out. It is hard at first and I gave up because I had some health problems but i think i am going to start back again in the fall-winter months.
    I hate working out too. I try to do other things like Zumba, dance central, or just anything that is not the typical working out because I hate it so much.

  2. thanks! Yeah, I did Zumba for a little while, I really liked it, but I always feel like a moron when I'm doing it! I think I'm gonna do my Jilian Michael's Wii game too.
