Saturday, July 21, 2012

Laundry detergent

Being the frugal person that I am, I cannot stand to pay the crazy high prices for the little things you need on a daily basis, like laundry detergent.  Most of the time when I tell people I make my own they look at me like I'm crazy.  Thanks to sites like pinterest, more people are being bitten by the frugal bug and I thought I'd share my recipe.

It's super simple to make, all you need is:

2 cups borax
2 cups washing powder
1 cup sent crystals (what ever sent you prefer)
1 bar finely grated soap of your choice (that goes with you sent crystals sent, or use an unscented. This is an optional addition as the borax and washing powder will clean your clothing just fine-not pictured)
1 cup Oxy Clean (or an off brand)

These amounts may be cut in half, depending on amount you want to make.  This size batch usually last for about 60 loads and you can make this recipe about 4 times before you have to replace supplies, other than oxy clean, which only runs $3 at walmart.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, the borax will be clumpy, this is normal, just make sure you break the clumps up with your mixing spoon.

Mix well and place in any container with a lid.  I use a kool-aid pitcher for mine, but whatever works best for you.

You only need about 1 1/2 tablespoons per large load.  I just take the measuring scooper from my oxy-clean and use that as my scooper.

Since this detergent is very concentrated, a little bit goes a long way.  The total cost to make your own, about $12-$15.  I only have to buy new supplies every 6 months.  Comparing my 240 loads per supply stock, to the brand detergent:

I'd much rather pay $15 every 6 months than to pay $18 every month!  Hope you love this recipe as much as I do, the only down side is they have yet to make a color booster to add to the mix! Otherwise, best stuff ever and for those with allergies, it's much more gentle on your skin.  I used to have to buy only free and clear but I have yet to have problems with this detergent.

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