Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My HSG and follow up

I went in for my HSG procedure on 10/30/13.  The entire procedure took about 10 minutes, but about two hours of waiting.  The procedure, if you're unfamiliar with it, involves the physician inserting a catheter into the cervix and injecting dye into each of the fallopian tubes while having you turn from side to side as they take x-rays.  My uterus was the proper shape, the dye flowed properly, meaning everything was normal (except that the right side hurt like crazy!). 

When I went for my follow up I got the results of all my lab work, he did another ultrasound, gave me the results of my HSG, and let me know how we will proceed.  Everything came back good, except my FSH, which was high, and my egg reserve was on the low side.  He started me on metformin (I'm not a diabetic) at a pretty high dose, which so far has made me sick to my stomach all the time and I seem to only be hungry at lunch. He also restarted me on progesterone, but a different type. I take this medication for twelve days.  After that, I take a pregnancy test and if it is negative, I go back for labs on day 3 of my cycle (to see if the metformin and progesterone have helped my levels).  Then he wants to start me on a drug that is stronger than clomid since it didn't work the last six times. 

We will know more soon, but I have to admit, I'm really hoping that this month is our month.

Maybe?  Hopefully?


  1. Oh my gosh this may be TMI but come on I really don't care...Metformin made me so sick but not throw up sick, sick the other way (poop if that wasn't clear enough) that I in no way wanted to even have sex! I felt so gross all the time.

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