Saturday, October 26, 2013

Photo Dump

People with blogs do these all the time, I decided I should catch everyone up on the last couple of months in photos.
One of my sorority sisters got married to her wonderful guy of 7 years. It was so beautiful!

I got a doe the opening weekend of bow season.  Next year, I'll be more prepared so I can use a compound bow instead of my cross bow.  On the upside, who is prepared for the zombie apocolypse with a cross bow?  This girl.
We restarted Girl's Night with some of my sorority sisters.  It was so good to see all of these lovely ladies!
I finally got to meet my niece, Clara. My little brother and his wife live in Ohio and I haven't gotten to meet Clara yet! My brother got married so they came down, we became BFF's pretty quick!
Me and J and the wedding.
I killed another doe opening morning of muzzle loader season.
This is what J sent me that morning, I then sent him the photo above.
*Happy Saturday*

Infertility Update-TMI post

We had our first visit with the Fertility Specialist on Monday (10/21).  I was super anxious, as I always am with new doctors, but thankfully I had my husband there with me.  We spoke with the doctor about how the entire process works.  It was a lot to take in, and honestly, I just wanted to cry at the fact that we were there. No matter how long you deal with infertility, it never gets easier to wrap your head around.

They did a pelvic ultrasound, and confirmed that my ovaries are consistent with PCOS/D, and that my uterus was slightly tilted.  At the time I was six days late, and had a negative pregnancy test that morning.  He gave me a prescription for hormones and told me once they were finished, to take a pregnancy test and (if it was negative) then I would start my cycle.  I was to call them when I started this cycle and schedule a HSG procedure.   They drew blood for about five different labs and explained that I would have to have blood drawn on the second day of my cycle, along with the 21st day. 

The HSG procedure will consist of them injecting dye into my uterus and Fallopian tubes and taking X-rays.  This procedure will clean out my Fallopian tubes, hopefully allowing me to get pregnant easier. 

Well, I started my cycle before I could start the hormones, so I got my blood drawn yesterday, and am going back to Little Rock this Wednesday to have the HSG procedure. 

More to come, probably on Wednesday.